Dienstag, 29. Juni 2010

BlackBerry Developer Day Hamburg

Just returned from Blackberry Developer Day in Hamburg.
It was much better then I expected although still very introductive.

A lot of attendees had already iphone or android apps developed and are now trying to find out how complicated BB development would be.
This mapps to a survey by Appcelerator where BB is number 3 in developer interests:

Everyone with BB experience aggreed that RIM has a platform with a much higher learning curve at least in the beginning. Therefore the support forum seems to be most important institution.
I had also a lot of interest in the Blackberry Developer Group in Berlin. Hopefully we'll have some more groups soon.

Don't forget, today is mobile tuesday: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=123601887675677&ref=mf

1 Kommentar:

  1. Thanks for sharing, I will bookmark and be back again
    Blackberry Developer
