Montag, 9. November 2009

BlackBerry Developer Conference Day 1

A long day is going to an end. This morning we had a much too long keynote but with some news: RIM announced a lot of new APIs and tools.
On API-side: an Advertisement API and In-App-Payment API. On the toolside: a new version of the Eclipse plugin and finally a GUI builder. Sadly it seems that the GUI builder still is very far away and was more like an alpha-version. As always it's the small things that makes us developers happy: hot swapping of code in the simulator. Although after some talks to RIM employees it seems, this is still quite limited but a good way. I'm desperatly waiting for the day where I can change my code and updating the simulator without having time for another coffee before seeing the results. The 2nd: you can now also develop completely on MacOS, which seems to be a great hit in the community.
5.0 was still the major topic, so there was a lot of talks about BlackBerry Widgets today (although it seems people are already waiting much more for webkit). The new network API looks very good, I hoped that would be available earlier.
Also Cortado started a competition about the best idea of bringing printing to BlackBerry apps using CHAPI:
Looking forward for day 2

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