Donnerstag, 29. Oktober 2009

Devoted to our tools?

Can we still live without all the development tools? I just saw a developer generating getter methods even if he needed more time customizing them afterwards as without. As I started developing I was glad if had syntax highlighting in the editor. Could we still program that way? Would the code would be so much worse?
And also: sometimes we should remember ourselfs to aks why something happened instead of simply follow the tools. Some weeks ago I changed a method signature (I have to admit without refactoring tool) and did not realize that this methods was overwritten by a subclass. Some days later a tool (UCDetector) detected the leftover method, it seemed to be unused, so I removed it via QuickFix (another tool) .
At the end I found myself with a bug report because of missing functionality.
Now one could demand: I should have used a tool for the refactoring as well!? But then: are we really still need to code at all? (and I know there are people yelling NO right now).
I want to believe: use the tools but use them sagely. I should have asked myself: why is this method not used anymore? What did it do and why not anymore?

Mittwoch, 28. Oktober 2009

busy android bees

I have to admit, I did not take much time yet for looking into the Android SDK and environment. But with every device that reaches the market, with every SDK that gets released, I'm getting more and more curious. It seems Android is here and won't go away. I as many other whas a little disappointed about the Google phone after launch. And even today after looking at 2 HTC devices, the Samsung Galaxy and the T-Mobile Pulse, they all look the same. When I was start looking at the menus they reminded me at Windows Mobile, which isn't a good thing at all ;)
Then non Java SDK where announced, Google announced Chrome OS and new devices where delayed.
But look ahead now: a huge wave of devices is definetely coming. The Moto Droid comes out next week and looks pretty cool.
2.0 is installed and the seems to be worth a major: from bluetooth SDK, Exchange connectivity: the remaining gaps are beeing filled quicklier then we all expected.
There are non-phone devices out there or announced: netbooks, internet-/multimedia tablets, ebook reader: Android definetely came to stay.

Looking forward to start my 1st real look at the community next week at DroidCon here in Berlin.

Sonntag, 18. Oktober 2009

Want to know more?

This week I tried a new Eclipse plugin to find unused code or code fragments with wrong visiblity ( and my project changed from 90 warnings (mostly deprecations) to 1300! But the problems view only shows me the first 100 of it (mostly the ones I already knew). Although I was used to Eclipse I couldn't find the setting for it, therefore this will be my 1st post here.

The settings is directly within the problems view, watch out for the small triangle on the right side:

and there it is:

And if your compiler stops after 100 warnings have a look here: